Friday, August 19, 2016

Last Stretch (aka: last few days)

Lieutenant R.E. Durbin's log: Stardate 08/19


It's finally come, our last, full day of shore leave. It's been an exciting week. What with:

Flying in a plane 
(such an antique thing, and so different from a Starship)

Spending more time on the beach

But, like all good things, it's ending. 

End log. (next blog will be about my picture this month...unless something big happens)

Tuesday, August 16, 2016

Warp 9 (aka: beach trip in full throttle)

Lieutenant R.E. Durbin's log: Stardate 08/16

Today we participated in the local custom of watching the sun rise on the beach.

Then Protocol 'Sunblock' was initiated and we continued our shore leave with:

Boogie boarding.

And playing in the sand

End log. Next update should be Friday (perhaps, it says it might rain, so we'll see)

Sunday, August 14, 2016

The Great Unknown (aka: our beach trip)

Lieutenant R.E. Durbin's log: Stardate 08/14

We arrived at the planet called North Carolina, last night, for some much overdue shore leave. The trip there took five hours, total, due to unforeseen spaceship traffic in the Nebula Galaxy. Much grumbling was heard from the ensigns side of the crew, but Captain L. Durbin (my mum) and Chief Engineer, J. Durbin (my brother), took them in hand, and peace reigned until we reached the Starbase (ie: check in).

Today, we took our official, first steps on the M class planet.

We explored extracurricular activities, such as the old, Earthen tradition of playing volleyball (we were told it was quite popular in the 21st century).

The ensign (in pink) and lieutenants "going for it"

We also made sure to take a picture of the entire bridge crew

Bridge Crew

The Captain even deigned to try the "Dab"

What new adventures await us this week, I wonder?

Monday, August 1, 2016

July Art Challenge

We both did a summer themed picture.


(one of my favorite childhood memories)

Next month (which started day), we're doing a favorite character from one of our favorite fandoms (tv, comic, book, or movie)