Sunday, March 27, 2016

A Thousand Words

A Thousand Words

Okay, let's see, so I started drawing when I was around four years old. Granted, it was basically scribbles and such, but I count it. It didn't hurt that my Mum was also an artist, and a really good one at that. I grew up with her doing all sorts of pictures on the side. It really inspired me. I wanted to be just like her (she also is the one who inspired me to write). 

My Mum and I

I kept up with it until I was eight. At that time, well, to put it nicely, I gave a picture I'd worked extremely hard on to a family friend. He must've been sixteen at the time. He thanked me profusely and I walked away with pride for my work in my heart. Unfortunately, I happened to walk in on him and a few of his friends later on that same day, making fun of that same picture. Sufficed to say, unkind things were said about it (they had no idea I was in the room, otherwise they'd have never said them...they were young, not cruel). Anyhow, I was devastated and stopped drawing until I was fourteen. I just couldn't get those words out of my head.

The reason I gave myself another chance was twofold. First, I still loved drawing. I was just afraid to restart it. Afraid people would mock my work again. (Hey, I was a fourteen, confidence was not something I had in spades) Second, I had an art teacher for about three months. She volunteered at the school I went to and taught a small art class for those few months. In that time, she kept telling me I had talent and that I was one of the best students in the class. 

Nothing came of it.

She didn't let it go and, finally, asked me, point blank, why I was so reluctant to do this. I caved and told her my story, minus any names. We both went to the same church, so she knew the boys. I didn't want to blacken her perception of them, so I left out the names. 

She gently sat me down and told me....and I'll never forget this...

"Don't let them hold you back from your dreams. Just do it. You're not going to be great, at first, but you will get it, eventually. Never give up."


Oh, totally.

But it meant the entire world to me. 

At this point, my father had died only the year before (so a couple months back) and my whole family was readjusting to life without him. I was the eldest, so I had to grow up fast and emotionally support, not only my Mum, but all my five younger siblings. I, literally, had no one to really boost ME up. 

And here was someone doing just that.

How could I say "no" to her plea?

I didn't.

I started up drawing again. 

But trying to imitate my Mum's artwork just wouldn't pan out. My Mum has this natural talent of looking at a photo and drawing it in pencil or paint so that it looks exactly like the photo. It's a Gift of God. One which I could not duplicate. No matter how hard I tried. 

My Mum's Artwork

I nearly gave up after a year. I just couldn't get it to work for me.

But then something wonderful happened.

I discovered anime! 

Yep, you heard me right. Anime. That Japanese art. I fell in love, head over heels, and never looked back. The sharp edges, the exaggerated eyes, the way the whole setup went, I couldn't get enough. I did have a bit of a problem with how immodest they made the women and girls. They flaunted their "assets" for the world to see,. I felt it degraded the females into (forgive my crude language) sex objects for guys. I didn't want my artwork to be that. 

So, I made my clothing more like that which I wore (or close to it). 

Now, I was NOT an overnight success in this field (autonomy is NOT my forte). Not by a long shot. For a good year, I could only do faces. Nothing else. Then, I started tracing pictures I liked. From there, I bought books, looked at YouTube videos (those helped the most). Mostly....and I know this is going to sound like an annoying alarm blaring over and over again, because it's been said so much...I just practiced. 
Early works (I'm not saying they were horrible, just not as good as now)

A lot.

That probably helped the most (practicing, that is). 

True, I didn't get to do said practicing all that much. I was still in school, and ill. It wasn't until, probably, 2007-2010 that I really got to practice a ton. And then, I didn't get good enough to post them online until 2014 (I'm very self-conscious). 
My artwork now

This year, an online friend of mine (Scrub456) and I decided to challenge each other to a picture a month. We'd both heard of, and seen, other people doing it. We talked about it and agreed to try it ourselves, as out New Years Resolution for 2016. 

So, each month, we PM each other a prompt. We have that month to draw and scan in said prompt. Thus far, I have done three (third one's not posted yet). Below are January and February from both of us. I hope you enjoy them. Let me know, please. 

Comments would mean the world to me. 

Next issue...not sure yet. Maybe a funny family story. I've quite a few. Yeah, I'll do a few of those. They're the best! Until then, may the force be with you (totally a Star Wars fan!).

January Picture
My Prompt: Draw something wintry; outside looking in or inside looking out. 

Her Prompt: Draw a outside winter picture. Bonus points if it has a Christmas caroler or owl.

February Picture
Both Our Prompts: Draw something for Valentine's Day


Thursday, March 17, 2016

A New Year: A New Beginning

The New Year: A New Beginning.

And she's back, folks. Phew, Real Life is such a hard thing to avoid, I tell ya. Here I was, planning on doing an update every two weeks or so. Yeeah, that succeeded rather well, didn't it? *sighs* I'm going to do better, people, I promise. Just be patient with me, please.

Hmmm, what to write about....OH!! I got a boyfriend!!!!!!!!! *squees* Yep, you heard right, a boyfriend. After years and years of waiting, R.E. Durbin fonud herself a man. *smirks* What's that? You want more details? Weelll, if you insist...*winks* I know, I should win an Oscar for my acting skills.

Okay, so here's the dealio:

His name is John. In looks, think bookworm mixed with cute nerd, complete with pocket notepad and pens, with glasses.

Anyhow, we go to the same church, so we'd seen each other over the years, in passing, but never been formally introduced. One of the main reasons for this was because I was, until quite recently (read: in the past half year) battling Chronic Lymes Disease. I'm still fighting it, but not as much as I was back last year. Thus, because of this, I felt it wasn't quite fair to any guy to date him when I was in bed most days, or "praying to toilet god". But then, last March (2015) I started a new protocol, and it's been working wonders. By the summer of 2015 I felt well enough to start looking around for a guy.

Now, you must keep in mind, I'm of the opinion that dating is meant to lead to courting, which ends in marriage. So, I wasn't just looking of just any man, I wanted a husband. Yes, I know, it's not really what the world does these days, but I'm very old fashioned and I've wanted to have a family of my own since I was about 8, so...yeah.

Anyhow, I prayed a long time and then saw John in the parking lot again. This was at the end of July. My immediate thoughts were as follows:

"I know that guy! Hmm....he's kind cute. And he's talking to a mutual friend. Perfect opportunity to casually walk over and insert myself into the conversation! If he's interested, he'll bop the third wheel out (sorry mutual friend)."

As we're dating now, you can probably surmise he took interest right away. I found out he was a Latin and Greek student (he's got his Masters in Greek now, and is taking the tests this week for Latin). We gushed for about half an hour over Latin and Greek. You should've seen his eyes light up when I didn't get bored once. True, I don't normally talk that much about Latin, or Greek, but I could tell he really liked them, and it wasn't as if I hated either language.

So, we parted on the note that I loved writing to people. Hand written letters. Le gasp! No email or IMing? He blinked in surprise too. But next thing I know, I see him the following Sunday and he's giving me his address, so I can write him while he helps his parents (in another state).

I waited about a week and then realized, I'd never given him MY address. Silly me. :P I decided to fix the problem by writing him (return labels are such a wondrous invention, no?). Anyhow, he was all "Oh, I didn't expect you to write ME first." Which, of course, made me freak and write him back that I wasn't trying to be "forward" (aren't I ancient?). I did this on very nice paper, btw. He write back that he wasn't thinking forward, just confident (yay!). He also made me laugh a ton in both letters, more in the latter one though. I t was then I realized I could see myself dating this guy.

He came back at the end of August and we were officially going out by the beginning of September.

We've found we're very similar in many things:

1) Love Star Wars.
      ----He's this amazing book trilogy called 'The Thrawne Trology'. If you've never read it, DO SO NOW. The villain is basically Moriarty. I couldn't put it down, people. So good. *drools at the memory*

2) Same moral and religious ways. We both felt that was important, as we've seen it break famiiles apart before.

3) We both are nerds/geeks/old fashioned. It works.
    ----Point in case, for valentines day, he wrote me a letter in High Elvish, Normal Elvish, and then English (because he knows I LOVE Tolkien). I drew him a card with a personal note inside.
My card:

4) We've similar humor. Puns are life. :D

And then we've our differences too (because if we were exactly the same it'd be boring really):

1) He doubts himself a bit more than me. Not by much though. We kind of go through stages where I help him along, encouraging him,  and then he turns around and does the same for me.

2) I'm more comfortable in being stern with children. He has trouble saying "no" to them sometimes. Which I totally understand. But I've both helped bring up my younger siblings, babysat, and am teaching, so I know you can't always say "yes".

There are more on both pros and cons, but I think you get the gist.

We're now both starting to save up money so we can, hopefully, marry next year, God willing.

That's all on my end for now.

I think next time I'll talk about my Lymes. It definitely was a big impact in my life. Or maybe I'll go into my art. You tell which sounds more interesting to you.