So, I was going along my day and thinking "Man, it's been a while since I wrote anything in my blog". However, I don't have enough pics yet of my little students to give you. *sigh* Thus, I was stuck. I wanted to give you all something. What though???
It hit me.
I hadn't shown any of you the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in our annual Gingerbread House Contest. We, and some family friends, started this....5? 6 years ago? I forget. But we kept it up. So, here's last year's (2016) winners.
(there actually was a tie between two for third place, but I didn't get a pic of the other one)
3rd Place
Hanzel and Gretel
The Witch's House
Details for 3rd Place:
Candy covered house (obviously)
Dungeon (the carport place)
Cauldron (reeses cup by dungeon)
2nd Place
(because it told a complete story)
The Night Before Christmas
Details for 2nd Place:
Two kids in room, sleeping
Sleigh and Reindeers on front lawn
Santa on the roof
(his head was eaten by the time I took the pic)
(Btw, this was my team's!)
1st Place
Fabin Cabin
Details on 1st Place:
Obviously great roof icing!
A Kit-Kat crumble front path
Two coffee tables with chairs, and cocoa cups