Wednesday, May 17, 2017

Mother's Day

Since Mother's Day wasn't that long ago (cough...last Sunday...cough), I decided to share with you the cards made in my little Kindergarten class, my own card, and my Mum's reaction to her surprise gift.

She got one other gift, but she picked that one out (an opal ring).

For my students cards, I helped them make Spiritual Bouquet cards. For those who might not know, it's a "bouquet" of prayers that you give someone. I wanted my Kindergartners to feel as if they could give their Mums gifts too.
There seems to be a running theme in all these cards. Can you spot it?

Card #1
Reads: I love you, Mom, because you give me Easter candy 

Card #2
Reads:I love you bekus youLet me hav kane
Translation: I love you because you let me have candy

Card #3
Reads:I love you Mom because you cook my food

Did you catch the theme?
It's all food based (two candy, and one just food). Tehe!

My own card
Reads: We cannot contain our love for you

Mum's surprise

That's all for now, folk! :D

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