Friday, February 24, 2017

Boston Tea Party

So this week grades 1-3 learned about the Boston Tea Party in their History class. Since we had a longer day Friday (today), we decided to give them a tea party as well.

The Set Up

Fruit Cup (I made them)

They were served tea

The Principal even came in

My little treat for the Party
(the tea cup wasn't mine, just embellishment)

All in all, the kids had a resounding, great time. :D

Wednesday, February 8, 2017

Belated Tidings of Gingerbread

So, I was going along my day and thinking "Man, it's been a while since I wrote anything in my blog". However, I don't have enough pics yet of my little students to give you. *sigh* Thus, I was stuck. I wanted to give you all something. What though???


It hit me.

I hadn't shown any of you the 1st, 2nd, and 3rd place winners in our annual Gingerbread House Contest. We, and some family friends, started this....5? 6 years ago? I forget. But we kept it up. So, here's last year's (2016) winners.

(there actually was a tie between two for third place, but I didn't get a pic of the other one)

3rd Place
Hanzel and Gretel
The Witch's House

Details for 3rd Place:
Candy covered house (obviously)
Dungeon (the carport place)
Cauldron (reeses cup by dungeon)


2nd Place
(because it told a complete story)
The Night Before Christmas

Details for 2nd Place:
Two kids in room, sleeping
Sleigh and Reindeers on front lawn
Santa on the roof 
(his head was eaten by the time I took the pic)

(Btw, this was my team's!)


1st Place
Fabin Cabin

Details on 1st Place:
Obviously great roof icing!
A Kit-Kat crumble front path
Two coffee tables with chairs, and cocoa cups