Wednesday, January 18, 2017

A New Year!

So, it's here, 2017. Man, did time fly by me. My Mum warned me this would happen; that as I got older, the years would speed up. Yikes!

Anyhow, I missed giving you all my December school pics. Sorry. But here's a few from this month, January. :D

We had a Free Dress Day, so that's why some of the kids aren't in uniform.

1st grader gets 2nd 
(at long last!)

Freeze Tag

Pre-school joins in

Hope you enjoyed this. :D 
Til' next time, folks!


  1. It is neat that the school allows a casual clothes day every now and then! I bet the kids appreciate it! :-)

  2. It realyl just started yesterday. I mean, they got some each year for a great Poetry Pageant or Shakespeare Play, but this was the first time the school's ever done it without that....although, it's not without cause. It's a fundraiser for the highschool trip (for graduation).

    Kids loved it!
