Thursday, June 2, 2016

The Weeds of Life (ie: my crazy month)

As my title might suggest, this past month of May has been nothing short of mindbogglingly crazy. I never knew just how busy a teacher's day could get at the close of the school year. And I thought it was tough when I was a student.


That's nothing, Babes!

Between the testing, grading, and getting things ready for next's a wonder any of us were able to remember to breath. And I only had a part-time job. I can't imagine what it was like for all the other teachers! Not that I regret taking this job. On the contrary, I love it (hectic bustle and all)! The children are such a joy. They remind me to stop and appreciate the smaller things in life. Plus, seeing them grow through the year is a thing of beauty.

My Kindergartner graduated to First Grade. Which, for whatever reason, made me feel old. Tehe! I'm a silly duckie, no?

I also finished my May picture for the Picture-A-Month challenge. We were both supposed to do a Medieval Castle. I got it in a day late, but I like how it turned out, nonetheless.

My Picture

Scrub's Picture (I love how it's Panoramic)

This month (June) we're doing friendship/personal Shield Crests. I'm doing hers and she's doing mine. If I've time, I'm gonna redo my April picture, so the trees turn out better.

Well, that's it for me right now. I'll try and be more regular during the summer.


  1. Very nice picture and I like the photo too.

  2. Lovely! Enjoy your blog posts immensely, dear. Mwah!
